Tag Archives: Ken Amada

My Persona 3 Portable Experience

I had a blast playing Persona 3 Portable and still completing my first walkthrough. I enjoyed every bit of it and the social links and full moon bosses are wonderful. Now, I’ll be telling you my experience playing Persona 3 Portable.

I loved the cast of Persona 3, they’re lovable and you will feel attached to them easily.

Here, You can listen to the song that plays whenever you’re on Gekkoukan High (this videogame school) at the first semester. It’s really catchy.

The S.E.E.S. (Special Extracurricular Execution Squad)

The S.E.E.S. (Special Extracurricular Execution Squad)

The photo above is your team of Persona users, they have a goal and that is to climb this tower. (Photo below)

Tartarus, a labyrinth full of shawdows

Tartarus, a labyrinth full of shadows

And Inside this labyrinth is this. (Photo Below)

The entrance before shadows attack you

The entrance before shadows attack you

In entering tartarus you can only have 3 other members of S.E.E.S. join you. My choices are always Yukari Takeba, Mitsuru Kirijo and Aigis.

Fight!! :D

Fight!! 😀

And Let’s meet Shuji Ikutsuki. (Photo below)

the one who said that our goal is to vanquish the 12 full moon bosses. That obviously appear during the full moon. Only then can we vanish the dark hour and tartarus itself. And live as normal student of Gekkoukan High. Well except for Koromaru and Ken.

The one who said that our goal is to vanquish the 12 full moon bosses. That obviously appear during the full moon. Only then can we vanish the dark hour and tartarus itself. And live as normal student of Gekkoukan High. Well, except for Koromaru and Ken.

The full moon bosses are listed below: (Photos Below)

First Full Moon Operation:

Just normal shadows

Just normal shadows

My Experience: They were pretty easy since this is only a tutorial, but this is still a full moon boss nonetheless.

My Team: Only Me.

Second Full Moon Operation:

First Big Boss.

First Big Boss.

My Experience: This full moon boss isn’t that much a trouble. Only the time limit is the problem since you know, Junpei.

My Team: Yukari, Junpei and I.

Third Full Moon Operation:

Paradigm Shift is annoying!

Paradigm Shift is annoying!

My Experience: They are pretty easy to beat unless you use Fuuka Yamagishi always since they Paradigm Shift most of the time which blocks your attacks.

My Team: Junpei, Akihiko and I.

Fourth Full Moon Operation:

Nothing to be scared of.

Nothing to be scared of.

My Experience: Just strike him a lot and a lot. It isn’t much of a worry.

My Team: Mitsuru, Akihiko, Yukari, and I.

And another…

A joke boss.

A joke boss.

My Experience: Even though you’ll have to battle two full moon bosses in one night, it still isn’t difficult.

My Team: Mitsuru, Akihiko, Yukari, and I.

Fifth Full Moon Operation:

And this is when it gets tougher

And this is when it gets tougher

My Experience: I never knew they can split and what’s worse, you can’t kill the other one unless they’re both killed. They use diarama so often which annoys me. It is a good thing I had Aigis in my team.

My Team: Mitsuru, Yukari, Aigis, and I.

Sixth Full Moon Operation:

2nd hardest full moon boss.

2nd hardest full moon boss.

My Experience: I hated how Yukari and Aigis are weak against it. But Still, I fight using my fave team. Mitsuru handled this smoothly. Aigis and Yukari were on guard mode.

My Team: Mitsuru, Yukari, Aigis, and I.

Seventh Full Moon Operation:

The hardest battle

The hardest battle

My Experience: I hate it how strength has to be defeated first before fortune and fortune has this wheel of how we will be damaged. It is so irritating when it points on the red one.

My Team: Mitsuru, Yukari, Aigis, and I.

Eight and Final Full Moon Operation:

And the Strega comes out and wanting to spoil our plans.

Oh NO!

Oh NO!

My Experience: Fighting them was so easy, they didn’t even put a scratch on us.

My Team: Mitsuru, Yukari, Aigis and I.

The last full moon boss.

The last full moon boss.

My Experience: It was pretty easy. It’s akasha arts was just the problem but all out attack are what makes it easier.

My Team: Mitsuru, Yukari, Aigis, And I.

And We can rejoice now!! We have defeated all the 12 full moon bosses!! 😀

Or Not?

Or Not?

This was all Ikutsuki’s Scheme!! 😦

This Is Not Over?

This Is Not Over?

So he said that by defeating the 12 full moon bosses is the way to reawaken Nyx and The fall would be near and All of us will be one of the LOST!!

So Much For The Short Happy Ending…

So it’s a good thing Ikutsuki fell from Tartarus. Bwahahaha!!

Another Transfer Student.

Another Transfer Student.

Enough with those “The Fall”. Since we have another transfer student.

Aigis Hates Ryoji

Aigis Hates Ryoji

Aigis seem to really hate Ryoji and it was because Ryoji is Death! The one that Aigis sealed in another boy’s body 10 years ago.



Ryoji explained to us all about Tartarus and The Fall and NYX. He said that he was the appriser, he ushers Nyx into this world. And the only way to make The Fall dissapear is to kill Ryoji or Nyx. Ryoji said that if he will be killed all the memories of the Full moon operation everything will be forgotten. But it is the most possible way since he said that Nyx is impossible to be kill.

But I’m a kind hearted one, so I chose Ryoji to live. And now I have only 10 days until I battle Nyx.

Last (Real) Full Moon Operation:

Wish Me Luck!

It was long but pretty easy!

My Experience: I never knew Nyx would be this easy. So yeah it took me 30 minutes to defeat her. And that wasn’t a challenging battle. Maybe I prepared a lot. I skip the Takaya and Jin battle bits. Since I’m kinda tired.

My Team: Mitsuru, Yukari, Aigis, and I.

Social Links

Bond Formed!

Bond Formed!

Social Links are important in Persona 3.

In order for your Personas to be at their highest starting level, you need to have a strong bond with a person with that Arcana.

As of now, I have forged a bond that cannot be broken with Kenji (Magician), Yuko (Strength), Kazushi (Chariot), Maya Amano (Hermit), S.E.E.S. (Fool), Nyx Annihilation Team (Judgement), and Pharos (Death).

This social links are still underway: Aigis (Aeon), Yukari (Lovers), Fuuka (Priestess), Mitsuru (Empress), Mamoru (Star), President Tanaka (Devil), Akinari (Sun), Hitedoshi (Emperor), Chihiro (Justice), Maiko (Hanged Man), and Keisuke (Fortune).

I haven’t found a bond with the following: Tower, Hierophant, Temperance.


*I Hope You Enjoy Reading My Post, If Not, Then Suit Yourself. 😛


~A Mark’s Work Done Right~